Year | Licensee | Owner | source |
1851 Sep 2 | Josiah Marrow(at Carpenters Arms) | T.Nash, Brewers) | Bury and Norwich Post |
1852 Aug | Josiah Marrow(at Carpenters Arms) | T.Nash, Brewers sell up) | Bury and Norwich Post |
1854 Apr | Carpenters Arms advert to let) | Harlock and Sons, Ely brewers | Cambridge Independent Press |
1855 Nov | Thomas Rayner(at Carpenters Arms) | Harlock and Sons, Ely brewers | Cambridge Independent Press |
1856 Dec | to let, no valuation or fixtures for possession 1st January | Harlock and Sons, Ely brewers | Cambridge Independent Press |
1857 Jan 1 | "occupier"(at Carpenters Arms) from ex landlord Thomas Rayner | | Cambridge Independent Press |
1857 | Thomas Hatchard | | Cambridge Independent Press |
1861 | William Jarvis (at Railway Inn) | | census |
1865 | William Jarvis (at Carpenters Arms) | | Cambridge Independent press |
1869 | William Eagle (at Carpenters Arms) | | Post Office |
1871 | William Eagle (at Railway Inn) | | census |
1876 | William Eagle (died 1878) | | Cambridge Independent Press |
1878 | Joseph Crick executor of W Eagle (died August 1879) to George Cooper | | Bury Free Press |
1879 Nov | | George Cooper | | Bury Free Press |
1881 | George Cooper | | census |
1884 Feb 12 | George Cooper | Newmarket Journal | |
1884 Feb 12 | Robert Cunnington | | Newmarket Journal |
1888 | Robert Cunnington | | Kelly |
1891 Apr 7 | Charles Stephenson | | Newmarket Journal |
1901 | Charles Stephenson | | census |
1901 Apr 9 | Charles Stephenson to Horsehoes | | Bury Free Press |
1901 Apr 9 | Joseph Scanlan | | " " |
1911 | Joseph Scanlan to The Wellington | | " " |
1911 | Herbert George Southey | Cutlack & Harlock, (Quay Brewery,Ely) | census |
1911 | John Robert Brown | | Newmarket Journal |
1916 | John Robert Brown | fined £ 2 - black-out offence | Bury Free Press |
1922 | John Robert Brown | | Kelly |
1924 Oct 7 | Edward James Sayers | | Newmarket Journal |
1932 | Edward James Sayers | Steward & Patteson | Post Office |
1932 Mar 30 | Charles Rhoades | Steward & Patteson | Bury Free Press |
1939 | Charles Rhoades | " " | 1939 register |
1953 | Eric Leonard Marshall | Watney, Mann | Newmarket Journal |
1956 Aug 28 | Eric Marshall to "Goat" Linton | | Newmarket Journal |
1956 Sep 11 | Bradley Warberton | | Newmarket Journal |
1958 Mar | vacancy for tenant | East Anglian Breweries, Ely | Newmarket Journal |
1958 | D.J.Morris | East Anglian Breweries, Ely | Newmarket Journal |
1965 | William Skelton | " " | licensing records |
1966 Aug | advert for tenancy | " " | Newmarket Journal |
1966 Oct 7 | Ray Hubbard (American) | " " | licensing records |
1967 | ? Stebbins | " " | licensing records |
1968 Feb 1 | Morris Rampley | " " | licensing records |
1974 | | Grand Metropolitan Hotels | |
1998 Apr 1st | Morris Rampley | " " | licensing records |
1998 Apr 1st | Rita Rayner | Punch Taverns | licensing records |
2005 | Mrs Violet Ann Dutton | Punch Taverns Ltd | licensing records |
2007 Dec 14 | Mrs Violet Ann Dutton | Admiral Taverns Ltd | licensing records |
2007 Dec 14 | Stuart White | Admiral Taverns Ltd | licensing records |
2009 Jan 27 | Stuart White (licence surrendered) | Admiral Taverns Ltd | licensing records |