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Location:- Valley Way

Brewery or Owner:-Tolly Cobbold then Pubmaster and finally Punch Taverns

When the Victory and Wheatsheaf were demolished to make way for the Icewell Hill development the licences surrendered were compensated by the granting of a licence for a new pub on the Houldsworth Valley estate, on Valley Way, The Palomino. The pub first opened on 22nd November 1963 (the day of the assassination of President J F Kennedy) by Mr R M Kydd, president of the British Palomino Horse Society. Landlords were Mr and Mrs Peter Cheeseman and the sign was painted by London artist Mrs E M Stanford.

It was the first new pub in Newmarket after the war and the only "Palomino" in UK.
Very few changes were made, the pub passing from Tolly Cobbold to Punch Taverns in ? and then closing at the end of 2018 almost exactly 35 year since opening. It was then sold and was demolished for re-development as residential in March 2020.

Year Licensee Owner source
1963 Peter Cheeseman Tolly Cobbold licensing records
1970 Jul 2 Michael Joseph Wallace " " " "
1979 Oct 18 Michael David Mears " " " "
1982 Feb 11 John Henry Allan Hitch " " " "
1985 Mark Berry " " " "
? Roger Senior " " " "
1988 Mar Barry McNally " " " "
2005 James McNally Punch Taverns licensing records
2011 Feb 1 Sheila McNally (widow of Barry) " " " "
2018 Nov 29 Sheila McNally surrender of licence " "

Mr. Kydd pulling 1st pint



2018 - for sale


March 2020..another one bites the dust (Photo Mike Mingay)

Pity really, as this was a classic example of a post war housing estate pub, now rapidly disappearing

Another bland housing in-fill

and the loss of a prime example of a post war estate pub.

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© text Tony Pringle under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.