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formerly THE COCK INN

Location:- Tne NW corner where Albion Street meets Market Street, by the entrance to the King's Head Brewery

Chapman's 1787 map

1 Sir John Barleycorn 7   Victoria Hotel(Carlton) 13 Two Old Brewers
2 Temperance Hotel 8   King's Head 14 Bull
3 Eagle 9   Wellington 15 Green Dragon
4 Three Tuns 10 Dolphin 16 Fountain
5 Bushel 11 Lamb 17 Orby House
6   Woolpack 12 Lacons Stores (Pelican)  

Brewery or Owner:-finally - Greene, King

Chapman's maps of the C18 have the Cock in the NW corner of the Rookery. Unfortunately the maps are not detailed enough to be absolutely sure which building is being referred to. It does seem from the 1787 map that it was where what was to become the King's Head Brewery and the John Barleycorn Inn. Bearing in mind the unreliability of the directories, and that Pigot 1839 has David Coe there, where as Robson has him at the Sir John Barleycorn, this may well solve the puzzle. Murfitt (Murfett) also appears at Sir John Barleycorn in 1855. It is necessary to consult these directories again. None of the names below have been found in the 1841 census and the 1851 census for 1851 was destroyed.

In the last years, Charles Harris was tenant for 11 years before moving to the Crown Fordham where he remained for 13 years

In February 1926 the licence was transferred to the Jolly Butchers, Exning, which until then only had a beer house licence. The Sir John Barleycorn was then sold.

Year Licensee Owner source
1787 Chapman map
1823 Pigot
1839 David Coe (at Cock) Pigot
1839 David Coe (at John Barleycorn) Robson
1844 David Coe (at Cock) White
1851 J Hills(at John Barleycorn) Gardiner's
1855 Henry Murfitt (at Cock) White
1861 Edward Gardiner (at John Barleycorn) C.Philips census
1865 Edward Gardiner (at John Barleycorn) sold by Philips for £390 Cambridge Independent Press
1871 Edward Gardiner Moody's Brewery census
1879 from Edward Gardiner to Charles James Windsor " " Cambridge Independent Press
1881 Charles Windsor " " census
1884 William Jeffery " " Bury Free Press
1891 George William Hammond " " census
1896 Thomas Cooper Greene.King Kelly
1881 Charles Windsor " " census
1884 William Jeffery " " Bury Free Press
1891 George William Hammond " " census
1899 Edward Farmish " " Cambridge Daily News
1899 Mrs Honor Gault " " Cambridge Daily News
1899 Ernest A.Plume " " Bury Free Press
1901 Albert Plume " " census
1902 Ernest Ebeneezer Carter " " Newmarket Journal
1911 Ernest Ebeneezer Carter " " census
1917 William Bailey " " directory
1920 William Bailey (died March 1920) " " Newmarket Journal
1923 Caroline Grimshaw to Charles Arthur Harrison " " Newmarket Journal
1926 Mrs A.Harrison (Inn closed) Greene, King " "
1926 Licence transferred to Jolly Butchers beerhouse in Exning

both the above from David Rippinton's www.newmarketshops.info

around 1969

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© text Tony Pringle under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.